The Alberta Underwater Council Presents:
Divescapes Scuba Conference & Exhibition
Oct 16,17th, 2026 in Edmonton

Divescapes Scuba Conference '26
That's a wrap for 2024!
Thanks for all your support of GOLD PASS TICKETS!
Join us for Divescapes'26 in Edmonton
Oct 16, 17th, 2026 at Holiday Inn Edmonton South, Evario Centre

Keynote Speaker:
Past Keynote Speakers:
2022: Jill Hienerth
2018: Richie Kolher
2016: Becky Schott
Michael Pitts
2014: Jill Heinerth
2012: Jim & Pat Stayer
Michael Pitts
2009: Jill Heinerth
2006: James Delgado

With World-Class Speakers' Presentations, Exhibitors, Dive Travel Specialists, Workshops,
Buffet Dinner Options, Silent Auction, Prizes & More
Divescapes in Calgary 2024!
It was amazing! Thank You!
Next Divescapes in 2026!
Oct 16,17/26 in Edmonton
Holiday Inn Edmonton South, Evario Centre
Divescapes '24 is a wrap! What an amazing lineup of Presenters, Exhbitors, Sponsors & Attendees! Thank you!

Best Value GOLD PASS: $ TBA
Other ticket choices & options also available.
RESERVE your spot by purchasing today.
Need a custom ticket due to schedule or budget concerns? Contact Cathie @AUC Office.

The AUC is proud to promote scuba diving as a safe, fun & environmentally friendly activity here in Alberta ...
And around the world. Join in at Divescapes to enjoy and learn much more than local diving, lake cleanups & club events.
Divescapes Scuba Conference is a diving show that offers our attendees a chance to learn what is new & exciting in the Under Water World World through local and international diving and underwater experts presenting on expeditions, conservation and education - from deep sea, shipwrecks or remote places.
Divescapes is a joint venture with Alberta's most dynamic Local Dive Shops, scuba club community here & from around the world: dive resorts & related businesses, boat charters, manufactureres, exotic dive travel specialsts, tourism boards, tropical dive resorts, all come to Alberta.
Divescapes' mandate strives to provide a venue to support & develop a network & partnership of resources which should expand & inspire everyone's involvement in diving and the under water world at home & around the world.
What to Expect:
Presenters: A great line-up of Speakers of excellent quality, diversity & talent with unique dive industry personalities - local & international. Please enjoy their incredible stories told with amazing video/photography for our viewing pleasure scheduled throughout Divescapes schedule - including Friday evening, all Saturday with keynote presentations on Saturday evening including award-winning Buffet dinners.
Exhibitors/Sponsors: partner together & help bring scuba community contacts & resources to Alberta.
Workshops: unique workshops are often offered, usually slightly outside of conference schedule with pre-registration.
Fun Prizes! Many exciting dive related items are generously donated by Sponsors & Exhibitors offered as Silent Auction or Raffle items. Funds raised are set aside for special AUC projects, Dive Safety, Lake Cleanups & Youth Programs in Alberta.
Our Thanks to the Divescapes Prize Sponsors past, present & future for their generous donations so AUC can further its mandate!